
2015 – Healing the Earth and ourselves in accord with Natural and Divine Law!

This is a past event.

Please check our calendar for an overview of our current events.

There is a huge decline in Nature threatening the existence of many species from bees to butterflies, birds and other animals. And what about us? 1 in 2 people are likely to be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime.

Our planet‘s health is related to our health. Everything is connected! The soils, waters, and air are being polluted and poisoned on a daily basis. They say you are what you eat… so are we being poisoned too?

The Earth desperately needs our help. To take responsibility, to heal and restore this precious planet Earth whilst at the same time healing ourselves.

Come and join us and discover how to be healthy and bring about a healthy planet through Natural
Health, Natural Farming, Natural Beekeeping, Natural Foods and Natural Birth.

This event is over.
In our calendar you may find further events.