To achieve harmony in our lives we need balance in the world and in our bodies. Currently, parts of the world are out of balance because of man’s actions: polluted oceans; chemical farming; over-consumption of processed foods; stress in our daily lives. More people are becoming sick despite advancing medical technology. Are disease and illness now inevitable, something to be feared, even evil?
Dr Zac Cox, holistic dentist, will share with you how our bodies naturally create chronic illnesses, cancer and diabetes as a normal response to the stresses we have placed ourselves under in our lives. He will show you simple steps to help you restore balance in your life and reveal the only two causes of all disease. You will be introduced to new ways of thinking about your body and health.
Now is also the time we must begin to restore the planet’s health. Why are the insects and birds falling silent? How are we affected by pollution in the ocean? Dr Karl Cox will explain the need for insects and birds and healthy oceans, and will present practical ways for us to help reverse the harm mankind has done.
We look forward to welcoming you to this outstanding seminar that will bring you answers as we share our knowledge and many experiences with you.