
Re-configure your Brain…. You are a Genius!

“Imagination is more important than Knowledge” Albert Einstein
This is a past event.

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Research now shows that the brain can be continually developed and it can be trained like a muscle.

During this unique and exciting seminar you will participate in, and learn many simple techniques to ‘train your brain’ and you will learn new thinking approaches in techniques such as Image Streaming devised by Dr. Win Wenger. These techniques help you to live more in your right brain – and will help you develop your creative and intuitive side. Using Image Streaming you will discover novel solutions for today’s problems.

Karl Cox has a PhD in Computer Science and applies Image Streaming techniques in his classes at the University of Brighton where he has seen his students have their own transformational ‘Eureka’ moments of illumination jumping up in joy shouting: “Now I’ve got it!”

That really happened – and in one case a failing student went on to get a high classification degree because of that moment in class – it was fantastic to see.

Zac Cox fell in love with image streaming a few years ago and now it is a part of his daily life. Zac Cox will share his enthusiasm for these simple techniques, which can bring profound and amazing insights to you.

This event is over.
In our calendar you may find further events.

You are a Genius!