If you have to use a wireless phone do not hold it to your ear. Instead switch on the loudspeaker and place the device on the table in front of you.
On the wireless phone activate the “eco mode” and the “low radiation” function and regularly control this programming.
Switch off your mobile phone, Smartphone, tablet-PC, Wi-Fi and wireless phone when not in use and especially at night.
When buying a new device always insist that it has a socket or way to connect a network cable (e.g. RJ45) and that the wireless mode can be deactivated by switch or software.
Always carry your Smartphone, mobile phone and tablet PC at a distance from your body.
Carry your Smartphone in a shielding bag which allows for reception, but keeps the electromagnetic fields from your body.
Activate the loudspeaker when talking on the mobile phone and do not hold the device to your ear.
Use an air-tube headset, if possible. This prevents the radiation from entering the ear.
Alert your fellow men to the hazards of electromagnetic fields from mobile communications antennae, mobile phones, wireless phones, Wi-Fi etc.
Keep your distance from cables, electric installations, lighting, power supply units for radio, laptops etc. as well as from any kind of charger.
Observe your condition: Fatigue, exhaustion, weak immunity, lack of concentration, headaches etc., are often an indicator of impairments caused by electromagnetic fields.
In your search for information, also include experts that are critical of wireless technology.
Contact us for questions; read up on the topic by means of our brochures and fact sheets and/or come to one of our events.
Pass on information and links like the address of this website to your friends and acquaintances.