- Drink enough water (40 ml/kg body weight) throughout the day. Preferably tap water if it is available in a good quality. Add to the water ¼ tsp. natural salt (sea or rock salt, no refined salt/table salt) per litre, or salt to taste, if you are healthy. This helps your body’s cells to absorb water better. Those living in a region low in iodine should be careful to take in enough iodine with their food.
- Reduce sugar and white flour to an absolute minimum. Use xylitol / birch sugar or stevia powder as a sweetener and freshly ground flour for baking. Do not eat any artificial sugars like Aspartame or anything similar.
- Exercise outdoors for half an hour each day. This supports your metabolism and your breathing, and it strengthens your immune and cardiovascular system. Especially if you don’t move about much in your everyday life, your body needs this activity. Individual weight and cardio training keeps your body fit.
- Maintain a balanced diet. Eat regularly and use fresh, unprocessed, best-quality food from natural agriculture. You are what you eat!
- Make sure to keep a balanced acid-base-equilibrium. For this purpose reduce your intake of food of animal origin or refined food.
- Every day, ingest enough proteins from various sources. Apart from the animal proteins in meat, fish and dairy products, other valuable plant-based sources of proteins are leguminous plants (beans), sprouts and nuts.
- Eat lots of fresh vegetables, fruit and whole grain products.
- Ingest 2-3 tbsp. of high-quality oils daily like cold-pressed olive oil, linseed/flax oil and coconut oil. Krill or fish oil capsules will provide you with the necessary omega-3 fatty acids.
- Give your body sufficient glyconutrients, vitamins, minerals and micronutrients. Nowadays, unfortunately, a normal diet does not provide enough nutrients, because of increased stresses on our bodies today. At the same time the content of vital substances in our food is decreasing, even when it comes from organic farming. For this reason take in high-quality, natural dietary supplements daily. We are happy to advise you: health@naturalscience.org
- Avoid preparing your food in a microwave oven. Its radiation destroys the quality of even the best foods at the molecular level. Food from the microwave pollutes and alters your blood, harming your body gravely.
- Take care to breathe deeply and regularly and ventilate well your living and working areas. Oxygen is a basic provision and a true elixir, which renders a healthy cell function possible in the first place. Systematic breathing exercises may help you to become aware of your breath and sense the invigorating effect of oxygen and vitalised cells.
- Do not smoke! If you still do, now is the perfect time to quit. Here you will find practical tips on how to quit smoking.
- Reduce the excessive consumption of stimulants (alcohol, coffee, black tea, caffeinated stimulant drinks, sweets) and processed foods. They all overacidify your body and contain many unnatural additives, which puts a strain on your organs and immune system and may lead to obesity, among other things.
- Avoid unnecessary electro-smog contamination, especially where you sleep. Keep your home and, wherever possible, your place of work, free from microwave radiation from cordless phones and Wi-Fi routers. Only use your mobile phone for urgent matters and keep the conversation short. If possible, go outside to make phone calls and activate the loudspeaker function so you don’t have to hold the phone to your ear. Put your mobile phone into airplane mode whenever you are not using it or switch it off.
- Radiation from mobile communications stresses the immune system, leads to cell damage and disrupts the natural regulation processes of our body thus raising the risk of cancer. Completely safe though, are corded phones and using the internet with a network cable.
- Put your attention on the beautiful things of life. Your thoughts and emotions have creative power! What you think and feel sooner or later finds its expression in your life. So it is entirely in your hands whether you influence your health and your life positively or negatively.