How to quit smoking

  • You must realise that smoking is not a habit but an addiction, which sooner or later will gravely harm your health, guaranteed.
  • As an additional incentive buy a special piggy bank and for at least a year put in the amount of money that you would have spent on smoking. After twelve months you will be pleasantly surprised.
  • Remove everything that reminds you of smoking from your home (lighters, ash trays etc.). Washing the curtains and walls as well as intensive air venting is helpful, too.
  • Awaken to the erroneous belief that you feel better after smoking a cigarette. Your first cigarette has already, through various metabolic reactions, damaged your body and from that point onwards you have never felt as good as before your first cigarette. Today, each additional cigarette induces your short-term, addiction symptoms, giving you the impression your well-being has returned to its pre-smoking days. Yet, this illusion holds only to the next craving for a cigarette, which is only a matter of minutes.…
  • For smoking cessation get help and advice from experienced specialists. Contact us via this e-mail or phone +41(41)798-0398.
  • Tell your entire circle of friends and acquaintances that you now finally feel strong enough to stop your smoking addiction.
  • At work put up a sign saying: “Non-smoker”. You will create for yourself a kind of barrier, making a strong statement.
  • Avoid alcohol for at least 4 weeks – it might act as another addiction trigger, provoking a relapse.
  • Help yourself to overcome your programmed reflex of reaching for a cigarette. Mint drops or similar should always be at hand where you would have otherwise reached for a cigarette. Now, if you make an unconscious movement of the hand for the cigarette pack, your hand should meet a completely alien object. Thanks to a kind of conditioning effect you will soon realise that by just touching the mint drops package you will be put at ease through the corresponding signal to your brain.
  • If necessary, change your diet; solely eat healthy, fresh, colourful, taste-intensive, invigorating food rich in vital elements. Pay special attention to a sufficient supply of proteins from different sources. Thus, you lay the best foundation for your metabolic organs, so that they may quickly adapt to the new situation – and you won’t gain weight.
  • In addition, supply your body with the necessary glyconutrients, vitamins, minerals, trace elements etc. in the form of high-quality dietary supplements produced naturally. This will stimulate the natural function of your cells, tissues and organs and support the changes in your metabolism as well.
  • For purification, drink enough water (40 ml/kg body weight) throughout the day. Filtered tap water suits very well, if available in a good enough quality. Add ¼ tsp. natural salt (sea or rock salt, no refined salt/cooking salt) per litre of water. This helps your body cells to better absorb the water and release dissolved waste products and poisons.
  • Heavy metals (cadmium, mercury, lead et al.) absorbed through smoking reduce neurotransmitters and happiness hormones in the brain. In this way these toxins promote fear, bad temper and depression. Nicotine has the exact opposite effect, because it increases the neurotransmitter concentration. Therefore, it makes you – temporarily – more relaxed and happier. Now, if suddenly the nicotine is not available to the body anymore, the contamination through toxins caused by years of smoking still remains, and the level of happiness hormones decreases. For this reason you will become bad tempered, depressed or even aggressive. The intake of chlorella-algae and bentonite can reduce this phenomenon. If you start taking these supplements, which bind toxins and heavy metals in the body, regularly for a sustained period of time before quitting smoking, your body will manage to solve the problems in brain metabolism caused by nicotine and poisons much more quickly.
  • Take additional omega-3 fatty acids, because these protect the brain and blood vessels. They lower the blood pressure and the blood lipid levels, they reduce the risk of thrombosis and they are anti-inflammatory – countering the opposite effects of what is happening when smoking.
  • Take care to breathe deeply and regularly. Specific breathing exercises surpass by far the very temporary and alleged relaxing effect of a cigarette, so that you may actually find mental and physical rest. Become aware of natural breathing and again learn to sense the invigorating effect of oxygen and vitalized cells.
    About 98% of all smokers breathe in a particular way, in that they inhale cigarette smoke, keep it in the lungs and then exhale it thoroughly. This leads to a kind of relaxing reflex. But this kind of breathing differs largely from your normal breathing technique. By inhaling deeply and subsequently holding your breath you can “copy” this reflex, thus enabling your body to indeed relax deeply and come to rest.
  • Exercise outdoors for half an hour each day. This supports your metabolism and your breathing, and it strengthens your immune and cardiovascular system.
  • Avoid anger and other forms of negative stress. Together with alcohol and the company of other smokers, stress forms one corner of the so-called “slipping triangle”. If you feel emotionally under strain, bad-tempered and unbalanced, Bach flower remedies can help you to relax. Contact us at
  • Enjoy and celebrate you newly gained freedom – invite friends, cook something delicious, enjoy nature walks or book a wellness weekend. Reorganise your home, buy new furniture or symbolically start afresh in any other way.