In the Tree Kingdom many records have been set. A bristlecone pine in the Californian White Mountains is 5062 years old; its exact location is kept secret by scientists for its own safety. In the same area grows “Methuselah”, also a pine tree, which is an impressive 4700 years old. 23812 Read on...
Focus on What we do
Arbour Day
Today offers the wonderful opportunity to honour the trees, to remember what we owe them and to become aware that they are the solution to several existential global problems! 19164 Read on...
Lectures and information booths on the topic of “milk”
Now, which is correct? “Milk is healthy” or “Milk is unhealthy”? Opinion about the health of milk has differed for quite some time. Standard UHT or pasteurised milk which becomes completely degenerated by industrial manufacturing processes and has almost nothing in common with the original raw product and food indeed does pose a serious threat […] Read on...
The World Foundation for Natural Science at various fairs ….
In the course of of educating the public we attend various fairs in the health sector. By dealing with specific problems ( e.g. based on concrete health issues) we point out the positive effects of a natural way of life on our physical and emotional well-being. 20593 Read on...
Open letter to the Court of Justice of the European Union
Appeal for continuation of the ban on bee threatening pesticides Read in our open letter to the Court of Justice of the European Union about the shocking results that have been published after the two-year research period and how important it is for the judges and for every individual to assume responsibility and to show […] Read on...