It is estimated that globally 10 million people will die from antibiotic resistance per year by 2050 [1]. Today, in the US alone, 23,000 people die from antibiotic resistance annually and this number is increasing [2]. The Antimicrobial Review, commissioned by the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, David Cameron, published its findings in May […] Read on...
Focus on Natural agriculture
US food producers start labelling GMO ingredients as Vermont law closes in
Genetically modified foods (GMO) are in nearly all processed foods in the USA. A food is genetically modified when DNA from a toxin such as an insecticide or another plant or animal is forcibly inserted into the DNA of a host plant. The host plant produces fruits or vegetables whose programming has been changed from […] Read on...
Arbour Day
Today offers the wonderful opportunity to honour the trees, to remember what we owe them and to become aware that they are the solution to several existential global problems! 19164 Read on...
Earth Day 2016
On the occasion of Earth Day on April 22nd all round the world Mother Earth, who is providing for us all we need and require, and this on a constant basis, was honoured. The question is what we humans do in return: do we give anything back, how much and what? 18923 Read on...
International Tribunal Against Monsanto at The Hague!
Monsanto will be charged with crimes against nature and humanity by an international tribunal at The Hague from October 12th to October 16th 2016. 17201 Read on...
After the International Year of Soils , we won’t take them for granted anymore! What have we learned?
On December 5th, 2014, an international delegation of The World Foundation for Natural Science visited the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) in Rome on the occasion of the first official celebration of World Soils Day and the launch of the International Year of Soils 2015. 16872 Read on...
2015: nations move against GMO
2015 has been a remarkable year in the movement to ban GMO worldwide. 19 EU member states have chosen to opt-out of cultivation of EU-approved GMO crops. Also, the US Environmental Protection Agency has reversed its decision to permit for use Dow Chemical’s ‘Enlist Duo’ pesticide, which contains 2,4-D, one of the components of Agent […] Read on...
Deadly neonicotinoid banned in USA
The US Federal Court has banned Dow Chemical’s neonicotinoid ‘sulfoxaflor’. Neonicotinoids are proven to be deadly to bees and pollinating insects. The Federal Court concluded the US Environmental Protection Agency violated Federal Law when it approved the neonicotinoid in 2013. 15380 Read on...
Open letter to the Court of Justice of the European Union
Appeal for continuation of the ban on bee threatening pesticides Read in our open letter to the Court of Justice of the European Union about the shocking results that have been published after the two-year research period and how important it is for the judges and for every individual to assume responsibility and to show […] Read on...
The hidden use of Genetically Modified Organisms and their impact on Human Beings, Animals and Nature
The World Foundation for Natural Science has just published a new Fact Sheet about GMO. 14947 Read on...