The pesticide glyphosate has been banned in Austria as of July 2nd 2019. Austria’s parliament passed a bill banning all uses of the weedkiller. In 2015, glyphosate, most recognised as part of Monsanto’s weedkiller RoundUp, but also found in many different pesticides, was rated as a probable carcinogen (class 2A) by the World Health Organisation. […] Read on...
Focus on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO)
A toxin free agriculture is still possible – Despite the new five year lease for glyphosate
MEPs doubted the credibility of some studies used in the EU evaluation on glyphosate safety. Especially the so-called “Monsanto Papers”, internal documents from the company which owns and produces Roundup, of which glyphosate is the main active substance[i] are not trustworthy. Furthermore, 1.3 million European citizens signed the “Stop Glyphosate Initiative”[ii] and demand “to ban […] Read on...
GMO ban letter sent to UK Parliament
Genetically modified organisms (GMO) are slowly but surely creeping into the supermarkets of the UK. They are appearing especially in sweets and chocolate bars imported directly from the US. The Government of the United Kingdom is a strong supporter of genetically modified foods. Despite the majority of the European Union voting against approval of further […] Read on...
GMO corn proven not to be substantially equivalent to natural corn
Genetically modified foods have been allowed to market because of their being labelled substantially equivalent to natural foods. In the United States this means that GMO only needs a GRAS – Generally Recognised As Safe – submission from its inventor to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), in which the onus of proof of safety […] Read on...
Africa: GMO’s dumping ground
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation [1], among many charities, are promoting the cultivation of genetically modified crops in Africa, acting as spokespeople for the manufacturers of GMO seeds such as DuPont, Arcadia Biosciences and Monsanto. For too long biotechnologists, bio-tech and chemical corporations, charities and governments around the world have promoted the lie that […] Read on...
US food producers start labelling GMO ingredients as Vermont law closes in
Genetically modified foods (GMO) are in nearly all processed foods in the USA. A food is genetically modified when DNA from a toxin such as an insecticide or another plant or animal is forcibly inserted into the DNA of a host plant. The host plant produces fruits or vegetables whose programming has been changed from […] Read on...
International Tribunal Against Monsanto at The Hague!
Monsanto will be charged with crimes against nature and humanity by an international tribunal at The Hague from October 12th to October 16th 2016. 17201 Read on...
2015: nations move against GMO
2015 has been a remarkable year in the movement to ban GMO worldwide. 19 EU member states have chosen to opt-out of cultivation of EU-approved GMO crops. Also, the US Environmental Protection Agency has reversed its decision to permit for use Dow Chemical’s ‘Enlist Duo’ pesticide, which contains 2,4-D, one of the components of Agent […] Read on...
The hidden use of Genetically Modified Organisms and their impact on Human Beings, Animals and Nature
The World Foundation for Natural Science has just published a new Fact Sheet about GMO. 14947 Read on...
Big legal victory for farmers against GMO in Oregon, USA
A federal judge has ruled that a recent ordinance in Jackson County, Oregon, to ban genetically modified crops from being grown is lawful. This is the first time a federal court has made such a ruling and sets an incredible precedent. 14383 Read on...