Focus on Health

Cannabis – no harmless wonder medicine

According to the 2017 UN World Drug Report, 183 million people worldwide use cannabis and the trend is increasing, thus making cannabis by far the most used illegal drug. Cannabis is used in the form of marijuana (dried inflorescences and leaves), hashish (resin of flowers mixed with plant parts) or hashish oil (viscous extract from […] Read on...

Philippines ban smoking

The Philippines has taken the bold and vital step in becoming entirely smoke-free. Their President Rodrigo Duterte has signed an Executive Order (EO) that bans across the whole nation, smoking in any public place, whether it be indoors or outside. The EO was signed on 16th May 2017. The EO states: “Public places means all […] Read on...

GMO ban letter sent to UK Parliament

Genetically modified organisms (GMO) are slowly but surely creeping into the supermarkets of the UK. They are appearing especially in sweets and chocolate bars imported directly from the US. The Government of the United Kingdom is a strong supporter of genetically modified foods. Despite the majority of the European Union voting against approval of further […] Read on...

US Surgeon General: E-cigarettes are unsafe for young people

The US Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek H. Murthy, America’s leading medical doctor, states that electronic cigarettes are unsafe, causes addiction to nicotine, harms brain development and exposes lungs to dangerous chemicals such as heavy metals, volatile organic compounds, ultrafine particles, and diacetyl, a chemical linked to serious lung disease [1]. E-cigarettes are targeted at children […] Read on...

Switzerland: New Federal Act on tobacco products

On December 8th the Swiss National Council is going to vote on the proposal of the Federal Council regarding the new Federal Act on tobacco products. According to this Act, tobacco product manufacturers will no longer be allowed to advertise in newspapers, on posters, in cinemas or online portals. Distribution of free samples or sponsoring […] Read on...

Technology in schools causing a wave of ADHD, depression, psychosis and cancer in children and adolescents

The psychological and biological health effects of wireless technology on children is widely known: less intelligent children, increased ADHD, anxiety, depression, autism and cancer, caused by long screen time and microwave radiation exposure [1, 2, 3]. At Hamptons Discovery in the USA, Dr Kardaras, a former Clinical Professor at Stony Brook Medicine, now treats adolescents […] Read on...

Teenagers who use electronic cigarettes are six times more likely to start smoking tobacco cigarettes

Electronic cigarettes have exploded onto the market with millions of users worldwide. E-cigarette manufacturers and even anti-tobacco groups claim that these devices are almost harmless and that e-cigarettes help people quit smoking [1]. But the emerging evidence is contrary. In the United States of America, a recent study published in the journal Pediatrics shows that […] Read on...

MMR vaccine causes dangerous health effects from autism to death

The actor Robert De Niro, whose son has autism, has called for the film VAXXED! to act as a trigger to addressing the recognition that the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine can cause autism in children [1, 2]. This has been recognised in the medical community since the late 1990s  [3]. Dr Andrew Wakefield […] Read on...