Focus on Health


Why? There are many good reasons to quit smoking, but in the context of the current corona situation there is one more reason, because smokers automatically belong to the risk group. Not only are they more prone to fall ill through the coronavirus, but it is also highly likely that the course of the disease […] Read on...

How to reduce radiation exposure in the home office

Are you among the many thousands of people who all of a sudden have to work or learn from home? Or is it rather a “may” for you? As we have already pointed out earlier, the best prophylaxis against illness is a strong immune system. However, high-frequency radiation from smartphones, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth headset etc. weakens […] Read on...

Household remedies for strengthening

Our ancestors knew much more about the forces that lie dormant in nature, and they used, for example, wild herbs or honey for various preparations such as soups or teas. We can use this knowledge even today to strengthen our body or to help it back on its feet at the first signs of an […] Read on...

Schuessler Salts for Colds

The founder of this method was the German homeopathic doctor Dr. Wilhelm Heinrich Schüßler (1821 – 1898). His aim was to simplify homeopathic treatment. Dr. Schüßler found out that functional organ disorders are often caused by a lack of one or more minerals. To treat the disorder, these minerals are supplied in homeopathic potency to […] Read on...

Leisure time – A major challenge

Possibly, our children and youths are going to spend (even) more time than usual in front of a screen in the next few weeks. Although many of them have received homework from their school, e-learning platforms have been and are still recommended to the vast majority. Educational TV has also expanded its range. On the […] Read on...

Flu prevention and treatment with homeopathic remedies

At present we are still in the middle of the annual flu season, which is currently dominated entirely by the coronavirus. While authorities and the media come up with new reports every day and everyone hopes for a new vaccination, hardly anyone talks about the extremely diverse possibilities that naturopathy, especially homeopathy, has to offer […] Read on...

Sunlight is nourishment

Light is life! This needs to be taken quite literally, because sunlight is the most important nourishment for our body and an indispensable source of energy for our mitochondria, i.e. our cellular power plants. Even if we take in enough healthy nutrients through food, these cannot be converted into sufficient energy for our body unless […] Read on...

The Healing Power of Breath

When a human being draws breath for the first time at birth, then he or she has physically entered this life anew and with it begins a cycle of inhaling and exhaling, which only ends with us inhaling one last time and saying goodbye to life again with the last exhale. An adult breathes about […] Read on...

“Fear-free Through The Crisis”—These Bach flowers accompany you effectively through the coronavirus state of emergency!

The Original Bach Flower Therapy was named after the English physician Dr. Edward Bach. In the 1930s he developed a healing system based on the healing powers of the blossoms of 38 wild flowers, shrubs and trees. The purpose of Bach Flower remedies is the solving of mental blockages, the constructive management of individual everyday […] Read on...


When you laugh over a hundred muscles work together. Feel free to count them … In addition, you breathe deeper than normal and body cells are supplied with more oxygen, combustion processes are stimulated, muscles are relaxed and your heart – including circulation – is stimulated. Your liver detoxifies more easily and the brain slows […] Read on...