Immunity Passports and Green Passes: what price our freedom?

In 2018, the European Union launched a roadmap to which all of its citizens would need to carry proof of vaccination by 2022.1)EU promoting vaccine passports: and the roadmap itself: The so-called pandemic of SARS-Cov-2 has given the EU nations and many other countries the opportunity to accelerate this agenda. Israel has introduced the Green Pass certificate to its vaccinated citizens which allows them access to gyms, hotels, theatres, pubs and more.2)NBC News (21 Feb 2021) Green Pass: Israel’s Covid-19 vaccination certificate opens fast track to normal life, Israelis who haven’t been vaccinated cannot enter into these places. Many of them are Hasidic Orthodox Jews who have refused to follow the Covid restrictions.3)The Times of Israel (3 Mar 2021), Health Ministry fails to sway ultra-Orthodox rabbis to back vaccination drive, Other nations have been heavily involved in promoting vaccine certificates, especially Greece4)Schengenvisainfo (23 Feb 2021), Greece Launches COVID-19 Vaccine Certificates to All Vaccinated Citizens who have also introduced them and are demanding such certificates before tourists can go to Greece for a holiday. Denmark and Sweden are also launching vaccine digital passports.5)France24 (5 Feb 2021), Denmark, Sweden to issue digital vaccine ‘passports’, The President of the Swiss Confederation, Guy Parmelin, has said that “everyone who wants to travel will need to be vaccinated in the future.” Anyone who wishes to enter Switzerland will soon need proof of vaccination.6)PlanetSki (25 Feb 2021), WILL WE NEED A VACCINE PASSPORT TO HEAD TO THE MOUNTAINS NEXT WINTER?,

Australia is introducing a vaccine certificate and is likely to demand proof of certification for international travel.7)Global Government Forum (8 Feb 2021), Australia sets out plans for vaccination certificates New Zealand is trialling vaccine passports with flights to and from Australia.8)The Guardian (23 Feb 2021), Air New Zealand to trial Covid vaccine passport on Sydney flights, The United States of America is in the process of developing vaccine digital passports, also.9)New York Times (13 Feb 2021), Coming Soon: The ‘Vaccine Passport’, Soon every nation will be mandating these immunity passports for international travel and green passes to live a ‘normal’ life in their own countries. Are those who do not get the coronavirus vaccine – for whatever reason –deliberately being discriminated against? Austria is at the forefront of this. It is currently handing out yellow bracelets to those who have been vaccinated as a means of identification.10)Yellow bracelets for vaccinated Austrians: UNSER MITTELEUROPA (17 Feb 2021) In Kärnten erhalten Corona-Geimpfte nun Armbänder, um öffentlichen Druck auf Nicht-Geimpfte zu erhöhen Why are they needed? Is this act promoting the idea that you will receive special privileges because you have been vaccinated? The UK is handing out cards to its vaccinated citizens, telling them to keep the card on them at all times.11)UK vaccine cards: inews (8 Dec 2020), Covid vaccine card: What the NHS vaccination cards will say, and latest on potential for ‘immunity passports’ Why at all times? Italy is promoting vaccine uptake through pink primrose gazebos, the idea being that those who have been vaccinated can think of themselves as the special flowers for a new future?12)Pink primroses of Italy: Reuters (13 Dec 2020), Italy plans primrose-shaped gazebos for COVID-19 vaccine campaign, China is proposing both vaccine passports and green passes for its citizens. If people wish to enter China, they may need a negative test result and a vaccine passport.13)Global Times (3 Mar 2021), Chinese lawmakers, advisors suggest issuing vaccine passports at two sessions, Across the world, proof of vaccination is rapidly becoming a requirement to live a ‘normal’ life. But it is not normal. A normal life is one where nature provides the best medicine, people do not ‘socially’ distance, are not afraid to walk next to someone in the street and don’t cover their faces with a mask. This is normal. Masks are still a requirement even if you have been vaccinated. Social distancing is still a requirement even if you have been vaccinated. Is this really a normal life that people want? Is this the life you want?

The EU is also in the process of implementing the Green Pass scheme to be operational this spring or summer.14)DW (1 Mar 2021), EU to propose ‘green pass’ vaccine certificate this month, The list of EU countries pushing for digital vaccine certificates can be found here: In Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel has stated the Digital Green Pass will be in operation before the summer. According to Merkel, all European Union member states are working to have digital vaccine certificates in place within three months.15)Angela Merkel quote – see video embedded in this article. DW (1 Mar 2021), EU to propose ‘green pass’ vaccine certificate this month,

There is some resistance to the introduction of Digital Green Passes among French and German communities because ultimately two classes of people will be created: those who have been vaccinated, who will have freedom to travel, to shop, to go to restaurants, even to work and to get an education; against those who have not been vaccinated who may not have any of these freedoms and rights. Governments are claiming Covid vaccines are not compulsory, yet are they deliberately making it almost impossible to live normally if you don’t get the vaccine? In Israel, the Knesset has agreed to give local authorities personal details of unvaccinated people to target them for inoculation.16)The Guardian (28 Feb 2021), Green pass: how are Covid vaccine passports working for Israel? Spain’s government has declared it intends to create a database of those individuals in Spain who refuse the vaccine and will share this database with its EU counterparts.17)Politico (29 Dec 2020), Spain to share coronavirus vaccine-refusal registry with EU countries, The north-east region of Galicia in Spain has proposed fining those who refuse a Covid vaccine – and any future ‘pandemic’ vaccines — 60,000 euros: Is their intention similar to Israel’s and will this become the intention of all governments keeping such a database?

Nations such as the United Kingdom have been giving conflicting messages for months but the so-called Digital Green Passes are being proposed as official policy if people want access to cinemas, gyms, sports events and more. The UK is also proposing immunity passports for international travel.18)Paragraph 136 on vaccines to permit international travel. For local access, the UK Government is proposing a COVID status certification, paragraphs 130 and 131:
HM Government (February 2021), COVID-19 RESPONSE – SPRING 2021, doc CP398,
It is likely the UK’s track and trace app will be used as the green pass/vaccine passport for UK citizens as the app has been downloaded tens of millions of times already.19)The Guardian (23 Feb 2021), NHS app could show Covid vaccine status or latest test result, Other nations may well also deploy immunity status into their track and trace apps.

In the wider world, The Commons Project20)The Commons Project: Trustees include members of governments from around the world, leaders in finance and pharmaceuticals and the Rockefeller Institute. , partnering with the World Economic Forum, has been working towards a globally integrated system for digital immunity passports, called the CommonPass app.

Whichever form the green pass or digital passport takes, people are speaking out against this removal of our liberty. In the UK, over 245,000 people so far have signed a parliamentary petition against vaccine passports.21)245,000 voices: Lifesitenews (1 Mar 2021), Hundreds of thousands of Brits sign petition against COVID vaccine passports, The Parliamentary petition: This petition expires on 20 July 2021. In such a way, the voices of the world can be heard. They are not alone.

The European Parliamentary Assembly, in Resolution 2361 (2021)22)EU Parliamentary Assembly Resolution 2361 (2021), Covid-19 vaccines: ethical, legal and practical considerations, — download from here. Note the document pushes strongly for vaccine trials on pregnant women, babies and children to be conducted. , also opposes the compulsory vaccination policies being imposed by the back door. The 2361 Resolution states:

“7.3. with respect to ensuring high vaccine uptake:
7.3.1. ensure that citizens are informed that the vaccination is NOT mandatory and that no one is politically, socially, or otherwise pressured to get themselves vaccinated, if they do not wish to do so themselves;
7.3.2. ensure that no one is discriminated against for not having been vaccinated, due to possible health risks or not wanting to be vaccinated;”
If these green passes and immunity passports become the norm across the world, then those who have refused the vaccine will be discriminated against.


What you can do

Make your voice heard with your fellow man, officials and politicians before it is too late. Write letters and inform people that with the introduction of these vaccine passports and green passes, their freedom will be removed. Tell politicians, schools, employers, friends about the EU Parliamentary Assembly Resolution that people should not be discriminated against in any way if they don’t get vaccinated. Our freedom to travel, to shop, to eat out, to play sports, will be reduced to nothing, if we do not act fast to stop this deliberate erosion of our liberty. As vaccine trials begin on children, on pregnant women and on babies, will those children not vaccinated be denied an education, will unvaccinated parents have their children banned from schools and sports clubs, will you be banned from entering your place of work, or from a supermarket? Every coming ‘pandemic’ will demand more vaccinations. Countries around the world are gearing up for so-called Variants of Concern, which will make all of us into pin cushions for the vaccine manufacturers.23)The BMJ (2 Mar 2021), Covid-19: Where are we on vaccines and variants? Note that any article you read that has a title: ‘Where are we on vaccines’ is no doubt propaganda because its inclusive ‘we’ is implying you are complicit in agreeing with the article. However, the article does highlight that Astra-Zeneca and Moderna are already seeking approval to develop vaccines for the variants. We must also ask what happens to our privacy when all our medical records are shared across governments, across global IT companies and whoever else? Are we allowing ourselves to be controlled by IT companies and governments through manipulation of our data? Are these immunity passports and green passes really worth the price of our freedom? If we want to live a normal life again, something must change and you and I, we, are the change! 


1EU promoting vaccine passports: and the roadmap itself:
2NBC News (21 Feb 2021) Green Pass: Israel’s Covid-19 vaccination certificate opens fast track to normal life,
3The Times of Israel (3 Mar 2021), Health Ministry fails to sway ultra-Orthodox rabbis to back vaccination drive,
4Schengenvisainfo (23 Feb 2021), Greece Launches COVID-19 Vaccine Certificates to All Vaccinated Citizens
5France24 (5 Feb 2021), Denmark, Sweden to issue digital vaccine ‘passports’,
7Global Government Forum (8 Feb 2021), Australia sets out plans for vaccination certificates
8The Guardian (23 Feb 2021), Air New Zealand to trial Covid vaccine passport on Sydney flights,
9New York Times (13 Feb 2021), Coming Soon: The ‘Vaccine Passport’,
10Yellow bracelets for vaccinated Austrians: UNSER MITTELEUROPA (17 Feb 2021) In Kärnten erhalten Corona-Geimpfte nun Armbänder, um öffentlichen Druck auf Nicht-Geimpfte zu erhöhen
11UK vaccine cards: inews (8 Dec 2020), Covid vaccine card: What the NHS vaccination cards will say, and latest on potential for ‘immunity passports’
12Pink primroses of Italy: Reuters (13 Dec 2020), Italy plans primrose-shaped gazebos for COVID-19 vaccine campaign,
13Global Times (3 Mar 2021), Chinese lawmakers, advisors suggest issuing vaccine passports at two sessions,
14DW (1 Mar 2021), EU to propose ‘green pass’ vaccine certificate this month, The list of EU countries pushing for digital vaccine certificates can be found here:
15Angela Merkel quote – see video embedded in this article. DW (1 Mar 2021), EU to propose ‘green pass’ vaccine certificate this month,
16The Guardian (28 Feb 2021), Green pass: how are Covid vaccine passports working for Israel?
17Politico (29 Dec 2020), Spain to share coronavirus vaccine-refusal registry with EU countries, The north-east region of Galicia in Spain has proposed fining those who refuse a Covid vaccine – and any future ‘pandemic’ vaccines — 60,000 euros:
18Paragraph 136 on vaccines to permit international travel. For local access, the UK Government is proposing a COVID status certification, paragraphs 130 and 131:
HM Government (February 2021), COVID-19 RESPONSE – SPRING 2021, doc CP398,
19The Guardian (23 Feb 2021), NHS app could show Covid vaccine status or latest test result,
20The Commons Project: Trustees include members of governments from around the world, leaders in finance and pharmaceuticals and the Rockefeller Institute.
21245,000 voices: Lifesitenews (1 Mar 2021), Hundreds of thousands of Brits sign petition against COVID vaccine passports, The Parliamentary petition: This petition expires on 20 July 2021.
22EU Parliamentary Assembly Resolution 2361 (2021), Covid-19 vaccines: ethical, legal and practical considerations, — download from here. Note the document pushes strongly for vaccine trials on pregnant women, babies and children to be conducted.
23The BMJ (2 Mar 2021), Covid-19: Where are we on vaccines and variants? Note that any article you read that has a title: ‘Where are we on vaccines’ is no doubt propaganda because its inclusive ‘we’ is implying you are complicit in agreeing with the article. However, the article does highlight that Astra-Zeneca and Moderna are already seeking approval to develop vaccines for the variants.