Arbor Day 2019

The trees, the shrubs, the plants are the adornment and the garment of the Earth.
– Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Arbor Day, Friday, April 26th, 2019

This year International Arbor Day, on April 26th 2019, once again offers us the opportunity to honour the great service of the trees! We invite you to become active on this day. Let us support this world-wide activity and plant trees at the same time as many other people around the globe.

We can do so much for our planet by planting trees. As Jean-Jacques Rousseau said, the Earth is naked without trees, shrubs and plants, in the truest sense. A naked Earth means loss of fertile soil, disruption of the water cycle until the springs dry up, increased frequency of floods as well as climate change. There is so much hope in planting a tree!

Trees give shade where the sun burns down, they strengthen the soil with their roots, although they loosen it at the same time. Trees provide a home for many living creatures: each tree lives together with many fungi and bacteria in its extended root system; countless insects and their larvae live in and feed on its trunk. These in turn attract birds such as woodpeckers and many songbirds, which like the squirrel in the trunk, build their nests. Finally, life is most obvious to us in the treetop. Depending upon climate and geographical position, these are populated by apes, birds, sloths, snakes and many more species in the airy heights. When planting a tree with this in mind, it is like founding a whole village!

The trees are not only the basis for a healthy ecosystem, they also give us their gifts in abundance. It is the trees and the plants that break down the CO2 we exhale and convert it into the oxygen we so urgently need to breathe. Trees nourish us with their precious fruit. Here in Central Europe we think back gratefully to the incredibly rich harvest of last autumn when the fruit trees were full of the sweetest fruit, a harvest still to find its equal. Last year´s fruit harvest can be described a “once-in-a-century” harvest.

Plant a tree that day! The care and planting of trees is the best opportunity to show our gratitude and appreciation to these loyal friends, the trees. Make this day a day of celebration and enjoy the beauty of nature with friends and family. We thank you for your invaluable contribution to the preservation of Our Mother Earth!

Be inspired by our information on our homepage:




Date & TimePlaceTopicRegistration
April 27th 2019
10:00 am -12:30 pm
Richmond and Hillcroft College, Richmond, LondonLecture about TreesKarl Cox

New Zealand

Date & TimePlaceTopicRegistration
April 26th 2019
10:00-12:00 am
Mount Roskill Retirement Village, Stoddard Road, Mt Roskill, AucklandLecture on importance of trees followed with ceremonial planting NZ puriri tree at village, local school informedAuckland New Zealand

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Published in the categories Forests, Events