The United Nations is asking all countries of the world to make a change to help clean the oceans. This means, in effect, the end of throwaway plastic production and the elimination of plastic waste from the oceans. 200 countries have already signed the Nairobi resolution to eliminate plastic ocean waste. This signals a monumental shift in thinking and a willingness to take action.[i]
The draft resolution on marine litter and microplastics states that “by 2025, [to] prevent and significantly reduce marine pollution of all kinds, in particular from land-based activities, including marine debris and nutrient pollution.”[ii]
The UN Oceans Chief, Dr Lisa Svensson, has stated that governments, companies and individuals need to act much more quickly than we are. Svensson: “This is a planetary crisis… In a few short decades since we discovered the convenience of plastics, we are ruining the ecosystem of the ocean.”[iii]
The World Foundation for Natural Science at its 2017 Annual World Congress in Ulm, Germany, highlighted mankind’s connection to and need for water, the destructive effects of plastic polluting the oceans, and importantly, what actions we can take to do something about this. See our brochure on Plastic – Lethal Threat to the Oceans. It was made very clear that the time for action has to be right now, such is the seriousness of the situation.
Sadly, some major nations refused to sign the UN resolution: the United States, China and India. The pictures we want tomorrow we must all take today – it takes just about every one of us in every nation, working together, to bring about this global change and to restore the oceans to their pristine best. It is time to put industry interest second, and planetary interest, especially that of our oceans’ inhabitants, first.
[ii] For the UN draft resolution, select your language on this reference: UNEP/EA.3/L.20 from this webpage: