Arbour Day 2017

In the Tree Kingdom many records have been set. A bristlecone pine in the Californian White Mountains is 5062 years old; its exact location is kept secret by scientists for its own safety. In the same area grows “Methuselah”, also a pine tree, which is an impressive 4700 years old. Even older are the tree – clonal colonies, that is, groups of trees with one shared single root system. The American clonal colony of Quaking Aspen Pando has been estimated to be at least 80,000 years old! When standing in the shadow of such a tree giant, most humans have great respect and reverence for such an impressive living being. It is not without reason that people often give them a name. The world’s highest tree is called “Hyperion” after the name of a Titan from Greek Mythology, “Prometheus” is one of the oldest, “General Sherman” the mightiest.

It is good to remember on this year’s Arbour Day, April 28th, 2017, what immeasurable service these magnificent plant beings give us. What would we breathe in, did they not breathe out the oxygen for us? What would we build our houses and furniture with? What would protect our mountain villages from avalanches and landslides? What would we drink? Forests are rainmakers, something which has been scientifically proven. But it is not only man who needs trees. An entire eighty percent of land creatures depend on the forest as their habitat. Currently a hundred species become extinct every day because every second man is destroying woodland the size of a football field.

Let us use this April 28th to go for a walk in nature with a grateful heart and open eyes and to consciously put our attention there, where we live, on the trees. Even better: if you have the opportunity, then plant one or even several trees, in your own garden, with a neighbour in your area, maybe with a farmer you have become friends with.

The World Foundation for Natural Science also offers you the opportunity to celebrate this day as a special day for the trees. Let us inspire you with our programme and get you excited… and if you want to spend this day with us, we will be particularly delighted!

Visit our News on Arbor Day 2016, to find out even more about the benefit of these magnificent beings.




Date & TimePlaceTopicRegistration
April 22nd 2017
10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Marnham Fields, London UB6 9UQ EnglandMulching – a vital part (covering the ground with wood chips)
April 29th 2017
12:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Better Living Studio
1a Church Street, Shirley
Southampton, SO15 5LG, United Kingdom
Lecture: In recognition of the service trees provide mankind and the earth.



Date & TimePlaceTopicRegistration
April 29th 2017
10 am – 6 pm
Public Library, Downtown Center, 350 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, B.C. V6B 6B1, Main Foyer – General Entrance AreaInformation booth
  • 604-331-3603

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