Monsanto will be charged with crimes against nature and humanity by an international tribunal at The Hague from October 12th to October 16th 2016.
Since the beginning of the twentieth century Monsanto has developed and sold products that are highly toxic, causing severe, lasting damage to the environment and illness and even death to thousands of people1.
As it was said in the press conference in Paris by the steering committee organising the event in The Hague, it will be a true tribunal, with qualified judges and lawyers. To this end, the legal representatives of the committee will be contacting magistrates and international lawyers. Some of them have already announced their intention to participate.2
Marie-Monique Robin, who has studied this US-corporation for 10 years, emphasises that Monsanto “causes so many environmental and health damages worldwide”, and that it “is high time that we hold the company to account.”3
This tribunal shall not only show to the people the atrocities of Monsanto but, by raising enough evidence to support allegations against Monsanto, should pave the way for a criminal court to pursue the matter further4 because it is the hope that ‘ecocide’, the deliberate killing in ecosystems, shall be anchored in international law.
2 Video clip of the Press Conference in Paris, December 3rd, 2015, held in conjunction with the COP21 United Nations Conference on Climate Change, November 30th, 2015 to December 11th, in Paris.
3 Video clip of a statement of Marie-Monique Robin on