
On this page you will find articles on the various topics that The World Foundation for Natural Science is concerned with in order to restore Natural Order on our precious planet Earth. At the same time we also would like to share positive motivating information with you which shows that in many areas necessary rethinking is occurring. In order to advance this shift of consciousness even further, it takes every single one of us. Therefore, we invite you to share this information with your friends and acquaintances, too.

World Oceans Day

On the 8th of June, World Oceans Day proclaimed by the United Nations will be celebrated for the tenth time. The day reminds us how important the oceans are for life on this planet, for example in terms of food security, climate and health. In many places in the world different activities will take place […] Read on...

World No Tobacco Day 2019

More than seven million people in the world still die from smoking each year. Even the tobacco industry no longer deny that it is their products that kill people. Now the industry claims to have created solutions that would improve the lives of smokers. “Anyone who denies that technology can help diminish the harmfulness of […] Read on...

Arbor Day 2019 – Pictures of worldwide Activities

Around the globe very many people have committed themselves to the trees, have participated in events, have planted trees or have “only” strolled through the forest to wonder at this true miracle of nature and to honour to it. With numerous information booths the attention has also been drawn to the importance and existential significance […] Read on...

Earth Day 2019

Since 1990, on April 22nd, “Earth Day” has been celebrated worldwide (in over 175 countries!), and will be this year, too. In our hectic lives in particular, it is good to simply go out into Nature and become quiet. And yet: in the woods it is anything but quiet, because there is the noise of […] Read on...

Arbor Day 2019

The trees, the shrubs, the plants are the adornment and the garment of the Earth. – Jean-Jacques Rousseau Arbor Day, Friday, April 26th, 2019 This year International Arbor Day, on April 26th 2019, once again offers us the opportunity to honour the great service of the trees! We invite you to become active on this […] Read on...

5G blocked in Brussels

Brussels, the seat of the European Union, has halted the roll out of 5G, the next generation mobile communications standard, because of recognised risks to health. The Brussels Environment Minister has blocked the roll out of 5G in her city because she recognises the lack of evidence that 5G will cause no harm to life. […] Read on...

Cannabis – no harmless wonder medicine

According to the 2017 UN World Drug Report, 183 million people worldwide use cannabis and the trend is increasing, thus making cannabis by far the most used illegal drug. Cannabis is used in the form of marijuana (dried inflorescences and leaves), hashish (resin of flowers mixed with plant parts) or hashish oil (viscous extract from […] Read on...

First World Bee Day on May 20th 2018 and the important ban on neonicotinoids

On May 20th 2018 World Bee Day takes place internationally for the first time. The World Bee Day resolution states “…through education and activities it is intended to raise the awareness of the importance of bees and other pollinators, the dangers they are exposed to as well as their contribution for a sustainable development.” The […] Read on...

Arbor Day 2018 – Pictures of worldwide Activities

Around the globe very many people have committed themselves to the trees, have participated in events, have planted trees or have “only” strolled through the forest to wonder at this true miracle of nature and to honour to it. With numerous information booths the attention has also been drawn to the importance and existential significance […] Read on...