
On this page you will find articles on the various topics that The World Foundation for Natural Science is concerned with in order to restore Natural Order on our precious planet Earth. At the same time we also would like to share positive motivating information with you which shows that in many areas necessary rethinking is occurring. In order to advance this shift of consciousness even further, it takes every single one of us. Therefore, we invite you to share this information with your friends and acquaintances, too.

Proven again: Microwave radiation has negative biological effects on human beings

The evidence that mobile phone radiation, and in particular 5G technology, is anything but harmless for human beings and that the current threshold values are by no means sufficient to protect health, is becoming increasingly clear and frequent. For example, on 10 January 2023, a Swedish case study was published in the “Annals of Case […] Read on...

Mobile phone radiation boosts dying of insects

It can no longer be dismissed out of hand: Non-ionising radiation, as emitted primarily by mobile phone transmitters and devices such as mobile phones, smart meters, WiFi, etc., as well as high-voltage power lines, causes considerable harm to insects. This was recently shown in an overview study by the University of Neuchâtel commissioned by the […] Read on...

World Ocean Day: The suffering of fish

For more than 3 billion people, fish is the primary and often irreplaceable source of protein; 800 million people live directly or indirectly from fishing. To feed that many people, it takes a lot of fish: worldwide, more than 90 million metric tons are caught each year, covering nearly seven percent of global protein consumption. However, […] Read on...

World No Tobacco Day 2022 – Stop smoking today!

First of all, the good news: Between 2007 and 2019, the number of adult smokers has declined steadily. However, 1.3 billion people worldwide still use tobacco today (of which 1.1 billion are smokers, with another 200 million turning to other tobacco products). Five companies dominate 80 percent of the market. While they are promoting increasingly […] Read on...

The WWW of the Woods

The Darwinian world view assumes that there is a constant competition between all living beings, in which the stronger wins. For a long time, this approach also applied to the woods. According to popular belief, trees fight for light, water, soil nutrients, and only those who ruthlessly prevail, win. “Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural […] Read on...

Earth Day 2022

Earth Day provides the occasion to connect with Mother Earth in a calm way and to become aware of what Nature gifts us day in and day out. Nature’s bounty has no limits, and we are still far from having experienced and explored everything. All things in nature have their own purpose and their destiny. […] Read on...

Microplastics – An Invisible Danger for Our Health

No water, no life. Earth is a water planet, as about two thirds of its surface consists of water. The same is true for our bodies, and if we do not regularly fill up our “body reservoir” with pure water, after a week at the latest we are no longer alive. It is obvious, therefore, […] Read on...

Even more radiation: mobile radio now also under water and in the sky

In recent decades, humanity has expanded mobile radiation on land at a record pace. The technically generated microwave radiation strains our bodies and weakens the immune system by interfering with important processes at the cellular level and disrupting them. Plants and animals are unprotected and also exposed to this harmful radiation. But that’s not all: […] Read on...

Electrosmog – pure stress for our body!

Our body responds always and anytime to our environment. Solar flares, for instance, create significant fluctuations in the Earth’s magnetic field and affect biological systems on Earth. Moon phases also cause biological reactions in nature and noticeably influence some people in their well-being, e.g. through their sleep or hormonal system. A weather change, triggered and […] Read on...

Adaptive 5G antennas lead to threshold violations

It is repeatedly claimed that 5G does not differ significantly from previous mobile phone generations apart from the higher capacities. This is not correct. With the introduction of the 5th generation of mobile communications (5G), a new type of antenna will additionally be used: adaptive antennas or antennas with beamforming (“beam bundling”). Conventional antennas radiate […] Read on...