
On this page you will find articles on the various topics that The World Foundation for Natural Science is concerned with in order to restore Natural Order on our precious planet Earth. At the same time we also would like to share positive motivating information with you which shows that in many areas necessary rethinking is occurring. In order to advance this shift of consciousness even further, it takes every single one of us. Therefore, we invite you to share this information with your friends and acquaintances, too.

US food producers start labelling GMO ingredients as Vermont law closes in

Genetically modified foods (GMO) are in nearly all processed foods in the USA. A food is genetically modified when DNA from a toxin such as an insecticide or another plant or animal is forcibly inserted into the DNA of a host plant. The host plant produces fruits or vegetables whose programming has been changed from […] Read on...

Electronic cigarettes cause similar damage to lungs as tobacco cigarettes

It is now becoming conclusive that electronic cigarettes are harmful to health. Though there is much debate in the media and anti-smoking pressure groups about the health effects of e-cigarettes, more and more research is showing the harm e-cigarettes cause. In a just-published study in the Journal of Respiratory Research, a study1 conducted by scientists […] Read on...

World No Tobacco Day 2016: Worldwide plain packaging

Plain tobacco packaging or standardised packaging means the removal of all branding (colours, imagery, corporate logos and trademarks) from the pack. Manufacturers are only allowed to print the brand name at a prescribed size, font and place on the pack, in addition to the health warnings and any other legally mandated information.1 19669 Read on...

Arbour Day

Today offers the wonderful opportunity to honour the trees, to remember what we owe them and to become aware that they are the solution to several existential global problems! 19164 Read on...

Earth Day 2016

On the occasion of Earth Day on April 22nd all round the world Mother Earth, who is providing for us all we need and require, and this on a constant basis, was honoured. The question is what we humans do in return: do we give anything back, how much and what? 18923 Read on...

Lectures and information booths on the topic of “milk”

Now, which is correct? “Milk is healthy” or “Milk is unhealthy”? Opinion about the health of milk has differed for quite some time. Standard UHT or pasteurised milk which becomes completely degenerated by industrial manufacturing processes and has almost nothing in common with the original raw product and food indeed does pose a serious threat […] Read on...

The World Foundation for Natural Science at various fairs ….

In the course of of educating the public we attend various fairs in the health sector. By dealing with specific problems ( e.g. based on concrete health issues) we point out the positive effects of a natural way of life on our physical and emotional well-being. 20593 Read on...

Healing of cancer through the ketogenic diet

All over the world carcinosis is on the ever-increasing rise. The UN predicts that tumour-related diseases will double until the year 2030 on a global scale. 21.4 million new incidences and 13.2 million cases of death are then expected annually. There are altogether more new incidences and deaths in industrialised countries than in developing countries1. […] Read on...