
On this page you will find articles on the various topics that The World Foundation for Natural Science is concerned with in order to restore Natural Order on our precious planet Earth. At the same time we also would like to share positive motivating information with you which shows that in many areas necessary rethinking is occurring. In order to advance this shift of consciousness even further, it takes every single one of us. Therefore, we invite you to share this information with your friends and acquaintances, too.

Arbour Day 2017 – Pictures of worldwide Activities

Around the globe very many people have committed themselves to the trees, have participated in events, have planted trees or have “only” strolled through the forest to wonder at this true miracle of nature and to honour to it. With numerous information booths the attention has also been drawn to the importance and existential significance […] Read on...

Earth Day 2017 – Pictures of worldwide Activities

Earth Day has been celebrated worldwide. Under the patronage of The World Foundation for Natural Science through numerous activities like, for example, lectures or information booths, various aspects of our wonderful planet have been highlighted. This great commitment for Mother Earth has been documented for you with pictures. Read on...

GMO ban letter sent to UK Parliament

Genetically modified organisms (GMO) are slowly but surely creeping into the supermarkets of the UK. They are appearing especially in sweets and chocolate bars imported directly from the US. The Government of the United Kingdom is a strong supporter of genetically modified foods. Despite the majority of the European Union voting against approval of further […] Read on...

Earth Day 2017

Earth Day is celebrated on April 22nd every year in over 175 countries and it enhances appreciation of  our natural environment. It is also supposed to make us rethink our consumer behaviour. 23811 Read on...

Arbour Day 2017

In the Tree Kingdom many records have been set. A bristlecone pine in the Californian White Mountains is 5062 years old; its exact location is kept secret by scientists for its own safety. In the same area grows “Methuselah”, also a pine tree, which is an impressive 4700 years old. 23812 Read on...

GMO corn proven not to be substantially equivalent to natural corn

Genetically modified foods have been allowed to market because of their being labelled substantially equivalent to natural foods. In the United States this means that GMO only needs a GRAS – Generally Recognised As Safe – submission from its inventor to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), in which the onus of proof of safety […] Read on...

US Surgeon General: E-cigarettes are unsafe for young people

The US Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek H. Murthy, America’s leading medical doctor, states that electronic cigarettes are unsafe, causes addiction to nicotine, harms brain development and exposes lungs to dangerous chemicals such as heavy metals, volatile organic compounds, ultrafine particles, and diacetyl, a chemical linked to serious lung disease [1]. E-cigarettes are targeted at children […] Read on...

Switzerland: New Federal Act on tobacco products

On December 8th the Swiss National Council is going to vote on the proposal of the Federal Council regarding the new Federal Act on tobacco products. According to this Act, tobacco product manufacturers will no longer be allowed to advertise in newspapers, on posters, in cinemas or online portals. Distribution of free samples or sponsoring […] Read on...

Technology in schools causing a wave of ADHD, depression, psychosis and cancer in children and adolescents

The psychological and biological health effects of wireless technology on children is widely known: less intelligent children, increased ADHD, anxiety, depression, autism and cancer, caused by long screen time and microwave radiation exposure [1, 2, 3]. At Hamptons Discovery in the USA, Dr Kardaras, a former Clinical Professor at Stony Brook Medicine, now treats adolescents […] Read on...

Africa: GMO’s dumping ground

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation [1], among many charities, are promoting the cultivation of genetically modified crops in Africa, acting as spokespeople for the manufacturers of GMO seeds such as DuPont, Arcadia Biosciences and Monsanto. For too long biotechnologists, bio-tech and chemical corporations, charities and governments around the world have promoted the lie that […] Read on...