
On this page you will find articles on the various topics that The World Foundation for Natural Science is concerned with in order to restore Natural Order on our precious planet Earth. At the same time we also would like to share positive motivating information with you which shows that in many areas necessary rethinking is occurring. In order to advance this shift of consciousness even further, it takes every single one of us. Therefore, we invite you to share this information with your friends and acquaintances, too.

Quitting Smoking – The body reacts immediately

Smoking is stupid! Every smoker knows this perfectly well, because who voluntarily spends thousands of euros or dollars every year just to become ill and die prematurely? The overwhelming majority of nicotine addicts, 80 to 90 percent, would therefore like to get rid of their harmful habit, but only around a third of them actually […] Read on...

Celebrating Arbor Day

On the occasion of Arbor Day, various activities took place around the world to properly celebrate this special day. The priority was, of course, to plant trees, however the program also included information booths, park walks with bird feeding and hikes among the trees. Just as the roots of the trees in the forest form […] Read on...

Discover the Healing Power of the Trees

The seeds, leaves, blossom, bark and resins of trees have been part of the medicinal treasure trove of herbal medicine for thousands of years. Our ancestors saw the healing powers in trees as “divine energy”, attributed to gods or saints, but also to elemental beings and tree spirits. These helpers had their seat in the […] Read on...

One for all, all for one! – Nature banks on Co-operation!

Fire, Water, Air and Earth – for more than two millennia, man considered the elements to be the four basic building blocks of all life. Then came the Age of Enlightenment and industrialisation, and science began to break Nature down into ever more and smaller individual parts and to view it as a calculable and […] Read on...

World Ocean Day: We are responsible for our fellow creatures in the oceans!

The oceans are the cradle of life and the most biodiverse habitat on our planet. Around 23,000 species are known, but scientists estimate that as many as 10 million species could live in the oceans! (In comparison, around 1.4 million species live on land.) Although the Earth is a “water planet”, the depths of the […] Read on...

Reflection and facts on World No Tobacco Day 2023

World No Tobacco Day, proclaimed by the WHO, takes place on May 31st. Before we deal with partly alarming, partly delightful facts about this, we would like to broaden the focus and look at breathing. As with the heartbeat, the special thing about breathing is that, seen from the outside, it simply “does”, the heart […] Read on...

The Secret of the Flying Rivers

In the mid 19th century, many farmers in the centrally located states of the USA were struggling with erosion. To counteract the loss of fertile soil due to storms, wind and water, they planted trees. The politician and farmer Julius Sterling Morton was consequently one of the first to reforest his property. After only a […] Read on...

Nature makes us healthy!

This planet Earth is “custom made” for us humans; it offers everything we need for our survival and our wellbeing. At least, this is the case for what nature provides for us, for it is especially civilisation – cities, traffic, industry and so on – that causes problems for us, for example in the form […] Read on...

Exemplary: New Zealand bans smoking for the next generation

Nearly 85% of New Zealanders are smoke-free. But New Zealand is aiming even higher: The New Zealand Government has set the goal that by 2025 fewer than 5% of New Zealanders will be smokers. To this end, on 9th December 2022, Associate Minister of Health Dr Ayesha Verrall launched a new legislation, Auahi Kore Aotearoa […] Read on...