Thursday, November 1st to Sunday, November 4th 2018
Maritim Hotel, Ulm, Germany
Our 25th Anniversary Congress will show you what we, as a World Organism, can do—together—to make this world a better place. We show you where in your life you can do something for yourself, an intelligent and active person, taking matters in your own hands, and with a feeling of responsibility towards life. This not only for yourself, but causing thus positive effects in others and your environment. You might not see at first that even for you, just one of the 7,524 Billion people—and steadily waxing—living on this Earth, it is important that you learn to re-behave and re-think the way we live. But the question you must ask yourself if you do think like this, who otherwise?
So you see, we shall yet again give you food for thought to motivate you into implementing much of what you hear and can learn during these three days in your own life. You will learn that it takes very little in fact to cause a great impact. We present you with behind-the-scenes goings-on to trigger in you a new way of looking at life and for you, as a forward looking smart person to accept and above all adopt practical ways to solutions in your daily life. We shall give you answers to questions you probably never knew you had.
This will allow you to go home at the end of the Congress with new vistas and renewed hope that there is indeed much we all can do in our own lives in order to help our Schoolroom Earth become a more healthy Planet. Not only will we profit directly from our forward-thinking attitude, but we can so leave a healthy legacy for those who come after us. To This End we have again invited a circle of Professionals to teach and present you with the most pressing issues that need our attention more than anything at this time. Come to learn what you can do to make a difference!
Thursday, November 1st, 2018 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Opening Keynote Address
All Life Is Electromagnetic!
Man is an electromagnetic living being, perceiving his electromagnetic environment in an electromagnetic way and communicating with it. Bioelectricity is the foundation of all life. When it gets out of balance or is extinguished completely, then life is extinguished, too. Our lives are affected ever more strongly by devices using technically generated electromagnetic radiation to dominate us with ever more unnecessary information. Man and man alone determines when to actively give Nature what she needs to be back in balance!
Friday, November 2nd, 2018 from 9:00 am – 6:30 pm
Social Media—Is it Really?
Man is a social being by his very nature, and most of us thrive better when we cultivate friendships. These days, however, with the ‘social media’ frenzy having become so popular worldwide and inundating our lives in a sick way, the Social Media have silently replaced the satisfaction of the need for a sense of belonging—so it appears. But under no circumstances can these virtual relationships replace the direct human contact. All social media interfere profoundly with our lives. Gradually, our natural perception of life is fading and our discernment contaminated, disconnecting the users from the authentic, real life to give precedence to the unnatural, unhealthy virtual reality.
Addiction and How it Develops
Although addictions can differ considerably, from alcohol and drugs, to internet addiction, one can still find common roots. From a biological as well as a psycho-social point of view, there are factors supporting the development of addiction and those protecting against it. Only an understanding of these factors enables us to prevent addictive disorders or to care adequately for those persons concerned.
Addiction—Treatment and Prevention
Be it gaming, pornography, cigarettes or drugs: Our body always follows the same pattern.
By means of case examples from his clinical practice the speaker explains how to prevent addictive disorders and how they can be treated.
Love or Sex?—The Power of Creation
The lack of the true understanding of the meaning of sex is the cause for the increasing disintegration of today’s society. Sex, or more appropriately, sexual intercourse between a man and a woman, strictly, is, however, inevitable to secure man’s procreation and further existence on Earth. Unhealthy sexual practices and promiscuous relationships control the lives of those who are immersed in this immoral and unhealthy lifestyle and affects adversely the way they live, think and feel.
European President,
The World Foundation
for Natural Science,
Lucerne, Switzerland
Saturday, November 3rd, 2018 from 9:00 am – 6:30 pm
Sugar—The Sweet Addiction
Sugar is just as much an addictive factor as it is food, and has deep-reaching consequences for a healthy life. Many lifestyle diseases, from diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, arteriosclerosis, chronic inflammation, higher susceptibility to infections, to cancer, obesity and metabolic disorders, are associated with the enormous consumption of carbohydrates and sugar. The answer to satisfy a sweet tooth is simple and easy, and is being presented to you here.
The targeted immoral ‘re-programming’ of Society’s Mind by the smoking industry
More than 6 million deaths per year worldwide are caused by smoking, despite its noxious effects being well-known. This number of preventable deaths worldwide is on the rise daily, as smoking is recklessly promoted in Third World Countries, Asia and is rampant in schools of all levels. In some wealthier nations, tobacco smoking has recently seen a slight decline, but now electronic smoking is positioning itself to justify smoking once again. Electronic cigarettes and heat-not-burn tobacco devices are being promoted to be up to 95% safer than tobacco. Devil in disguise?!
Urban Agriculture—Myth or Reality?
Urban Agriculture is giving us the answers to nourish ourselves with healthy, organic, GMO and GE free produce, free of pesticides and other agro-toxins otherwise contained without exception in our foods bought at the supermarkets and even the grocer. The individual citizen, who decides to have his own little allotment wherever he lives, not only develops a more direct relationship with Nature and begins to appreciate Nature in a new way, but he can grow up to 20 Kg of produce yearly on a patch as small as one square metre. Additionally, urban farming is far more economic, opposed to big agro production. Without a doubt, Urban Agriculture is a way of life to be seriously considered and highly recommended for a healthier life.
Man’s Health greatly influences the Health of our Animals—part I
True healing requires promoting and maintaining, whenever possible, a balanced life in body, mind, soul, emotions and feelings. Because of the close relationship between the two species—man and animal—it is therefore equally important that we look after our animal friends the same way we should care for our own lives and health. And to achieve and maintain health in us, man needs to first ‘heal’ himself the holistic way, and then to give our animals the same attention and care. Everything we think, feel and do affects our animals equally, simply because everything in life is connected. The inescapable conclusion therefore is to do everything we possibly can to keep our lives in balance!
Sunday, November 4th, 2018 from 9:30 am – 1:00 pm
Man’s Health greatly influences the Health of our Animals—part II
Following on from the Presentation of Saturday afternoon, we give you practical demonstrations and applications on some of our canine friends f.e., to further the understanding of this important Subject if we want to establish and keep a healthy relationship between man and animal. More often than not, these animals are the object of our affection, and therefore our animal friends deserve not only the best, but at least what we ourselves have access to and can apply for a healthy life.
Our Vision and Commitment for a Healthy Planet
The Natural Way!
Our Responsibility towards a healthy Planet
Conclusion of our 2018 Anniversary Congress!
Congress Schedule
Program | Registration | |
Thursday, November 1st 2018 | 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm | starting 3:00 pm to 6:45 pm |
Friday, November 2nd 2018 | 9:00 am to 6:30 pm | starting 8:00 am to 8:45 am |
Saturday, November 3rd 2018 | 9:00 am to 6:30 pm | starting 8:00 am to 8:45 am |
Sunday, November 4th 2018 | 9:30 am to 1:00 pm |
Maritim Hotel
Basteistraße 40
89073 Ulm, Germany
Hotel and travel information (PDF)
Simultaneous into English, German, Spanish, Czech and Russian
Do you have any questions?
We are happy to help you!
- Contact form
- +41(41)798-0398
Congress fee
Entire congress | 2 days | 1 day | |
Individual Registration | € 350 | € 300 | € 150 |
“65+” (Golden Old‘un) | € 240 | € 190 | € 95 |
Married Couple (Attending together) | € 490 | € 420 | € 210 |
University / College Students | € 120 | € 100 | € 50 |
Adolescents / scholars | € 95 | € 70 | € 35 |
What our participants say
It was definitively the best and most interesting Congress we have ever had. The speakers were able to convey their message as never before, including new issues and a lot of information. Thank you very much!Miriam D., Germany
This is the first time I have been here. It is wonderful to see and feel that we all belong together in unity; nevertheless, we are following our own unique life´s journey. Thank you to all of you for this wonderful event, for your love! Alireza T., Switzerland
Thank you very much for this great Congress! It was the best ever, with fantastic speakers, lifesaving information and tools! This is how we get somewhere! All the best and every success for the future!Susanne W., Germany
A great heartfelt “Thank you” for all involved. As always: very good, game-changing and an eye-opener. Your engagement and enthusiasm is contagious. A good reason to pass it on!Suely M., Germany
Thank you so much for another outlook and such interesting topics! It is always a time for growth, learning, sharing and exchanging with the other attendants! There is a noticeable difference from other events and congresses. And much to bring home and to apply!Odile L., Austria
This was the best congress in years, very well structured. Refreshing, uplifting, genuine and natural! Thank you so much for your tremendous dedication!Susanne B., Switzerland
Doctor Natasha – absolutely astonishing lecturer and her lecture was so simple, so clear, so emotional! I’ve got a strong impulse to make a stop on my way and change my lifestyle. Thank you for that!Marina K., Lithuania
Simply content, happy to have had the opportunity to attend this congress once again. Enriched, with many new impressions, I will go back home. Many thanks to the excellent lecturers!Brigitta H., Switzerland
On many levels a trend-setting congress that not only gives a new outlook but also hope and visions (which will become reality). The lecture of Jörg Dossenbach particularly touched me. Thank you for this congress. Ulrike P., Germany
Last year’s Congress
Watch the full length lectures from last year’s Congress and read the reviews.